We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication "zero resistance". To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS++, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure "zero." To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of "zero risk". To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve "according to law, standardize and fair." Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees "zero fly". To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. To further quantify and refine employee standards ... Work, full play party, and branch, and members in "five type Enterprise" construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening "four good" leadership construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the《材料物理導論》 習題解答 第三章 材料的電學 EC 0.29eV 0.05eV ED EF Ei EV Eg=1.12eV 22.從結構上解釋,為什么含堿土金屬的玻璃適用于介電絕緣? 答:玻璃中加入二價金屬氧化物,特別是重金屬氧化物,使玻璃的電導率降低。相應的陽離子半徑越大,這種效應越強。這是由于二價離子與玻璃中氧離子結合比較牢固,能鑲入玻璃網絡結構,以致堵住遷移通道,使堿金屬離子移動困難,因而電導率降低。 《無機材料物理導論》清華大學出版社。Page258 23.細晶粒金紅石陶瓷樣品在20℃,100Hz時,相對介電常數為100。這種陶瓷相對介電常數高的原因是什么?如何用實驗來鑒別各種起作用的機制? 答:金紅石離子間作用較強,其離子與電子極化率有相同數量級,由于存在離子極化,產生與外電場方向一致的附加電場,強烈地增加了電子極化強度,使得電容率大大增加(≈100)。 實驗鑒別起作用的機制:可由結構系數來計算,結構系數表示被考察離子周圍晶格內其它離子的影響。如果離子A周圍處于B位置上的離子占優(yōu)勢,則感應電矩作用在離子A上附加內電場與外電場的方向相同,此時附加電場與外電場加強了外電場的作用,結構系數機就是正的;反之,結構系數就是負的。 金紅石晶體的C11,C12 ,C21 C22 ,分別為Ti4+與Ti4+、Ti4+與O2- 、O2- Ti4+、O2-與O2- 間的內電場結構系數,它們僅決定于晶胞參數,由于 中心離子 周圍離子 Ti4+ O2- Ti4+ C11=-0.8/a3 C12=+36.3/a3 O2- C21=+18.15/a3 C22=-12.0/a3 從表中看出,表示鈦離子和氧離子本身相互作用的內電場結構系數C11與C22均為負數,這表明同種離子之間都有削弱外電場的作用。反之,表示鈦離子和氧離子之間相互作用的內電場結構系數C12和C21相當大,并且都是正值,這表明異種離子之間都有加強外電場的作用。其結果使氧離子和鈦離子的極化加強,而且這種加強遠遠超過了同種離子削弱外電場的作用,這就使得晶體得介電常數和大。 《無機材料物理導論》清華大學出版社。Page307-315 24、敘述BaTiO3典型電介質中在居里點以下存在的四種極化機制。 答:(1)電子極化:指在外電場作用下,構成原子外圍的電子云相對原子核發(fā)生位移形成的極化。建立或消除電子極化時間極短,約10-15~10-16 (2)離子極化:指在外電場的作用下,構成分子的離子發(fā)生相對位移而形成的極化,離子極化建立核消除時間很短,與離子在晶格振動的周期有相同數量級,約為10-12~10-13 (3)偶極子轉向極化:指極性介電體的分子偶極矩在外電場作用下,沿外施電場方向而產生宏觀偶極矩的極化。 (4) 位移型自發(fā)極化:是由于晶體內離子的位移而產生了極化偶極矩,形成了自發(fā)極化。 課本 Page111-116 25、畫出典型鐵電體的電滯回線示意圖,并用有關機制解釋引起非線性關系的原因。 答:圖見課本page116 鐵電體晶體在整體上呈現自發(fā)極化,這意味著在正負端分別有一層正的和負的束縛電荷。束縛電荷產生的電場在晶體內部與極化反向(稱為退極化場),使靜電能升高。在受機械約束時,伴隨著自發(fā)極化的應變還能使應變能增加。所以均勻極化的狀態(tài)是不穩(wěn)定的,晶體將分成若干個小區(qū)域,每個小區(qū)域內部電偶極子沿同一方向,但各個小區(qū)域中電偶極子方向不同。這些小區(qū)域稱為電疇或疇。疇的間界叫疇壁。 鐵電體的極化隨電場的變化而變化。但電場較強時,極化與電場之間呈非線性關系。在電場作用下,新疇成核長大,疇壁移動,導致極化轉向。在電場很弱時,極化線性地依賴于電場,此時可逆地疇壁移動占主導地位。當電場增強時,新疇成核,疇壁運動成為不可逆的,極化隨電場的增加比線性段快,當電場達到相應于B點的值時,晶體成為單疇,極化趨于飽和。 《鐵電體物理學》 鐘維烈著 北京:科學出版社 page2-3 26、高分子在電場中的極化有哪幾種形式?各有什么特點? 答:(1)電子極化:指在外電場中每個原子的價電子云相對于原子核發(fā)生位移,極化過程所需時間極短:10-5~10-13 (2)原子極化:指在外電場中不同的原子核之間發(fā)生相對位移。極化時間約在10-13 S以上。 (3)取向極化:極性分子自身帶有固有偶極子,在電場中,將沿電場方向擇優(yōu)排列,取向過程要克服偶極子本身的慣性與旋轉阻力,故所需時間比位移極化長的多:10-9 (4)發(fā)生在非均相介質界面處的極化,它時在電場作用下,介質中的電子或離子在界面處堆積造成的,稱為界面極化。所需時間很長,從幾分之一秒至幾分鐘,甚至更長。 《高分子物理》高等教育出版社 27、試討論影響聚合物電容率和介電損耗的因素。 答:(1)影響電容率的因素: 聚合物的極性大小決定其電容率的大小,極性大小與化學鍵的極性有關;受分子結構對稱限制,分子結構對稱的聚合物其極性不大,電容率較低;主鏈有不對稱碳原子聚合物,其立體構型會影響電容率;對同一聚合物而言全同立構聚合物的電容率大于無規(guī)立構大于間同立構; 電容率的大小還同偶極子取向難度有關,主鏈上極性基團以及同主鏈剛性連接的極性側基的活動性較小,而柔性側基活動性較大,后者對電容率有較大貢獻; 從整個分子鏈的活動性考慮,橡膠態(tài)與粘流態(tài)的聚合物比玻璃態(tài)的電容率大; 另外,支化使分子間相互作用降低,電容率升高;而交鏈限制分子運動,電容率下降。 (2)介電損耗影響因素 分子極性越大,取向極化度就越大,損耗越大,極性聚合物通常有較大的損耗因子; 柔性側基上的極性基團取向過程阻力較小,損耗也要小一些; 增塑劑:非極性增塑劑降低體系粘度,使極化容易進行,使極性高分子介電損耗峰移向低溫,對于極性增塑劑,不但增加高分子鏈的活動性,而使原來極化過程加快,而且本身作為新偶極子而附加高介電損耗; 導電性極性雜質,是損耗因子增大; 另外,頻率、溫度、電壓都會影響其損耗因子。 《高分子物理》高等教育出版社 28、試比較,聚合物介電松弛與力學松弛的異同點。 答:材料的力學松弛包括了靜態(tài)力學松弛與動態(tài)力學松弛:蠕變與應力松弛屬于靜態(tài)力學松弛;滯后和力損耗屬于動態(tài)力學松弛。 介電松弛指在固定頻率下測試聚合物試樣的介電系數和介電損耗隨溫度的變化,或在一定溫度下測試試樣的介電性質隨頻率的變化。 兩者都反映了聚合物的結構、構型及鏈段的運動狀態(tài)。 29、試討論高分子材料的導電性與結構的關系。 答:(1)化學結構試導電性首要因素,飽和的非極性高分子具有優(yōu)異的電絕緣性,它們結構本身既不能產生導電離子,也不具備電子電導的結構條件;極性高分子中的強極性基團可能發(fā)生微量本征解離,提供導電離子;此外,其介電系數較大,降低了雜質離子間的庫侖力,使電離平衡移動,從而增加了載流子的濃度,因此極性高分子的電阻率比非極性高分子來得??; (2)帶共軛雙鍵的高分子的π電子具有離域化的特征,這些π電子可作為載流子而賦予材料以導電性,實際上共軛高分子要實現導電,電子不但需要有分子內遷移,還必須在分子間遷移,且分子鏈本身常帶有結構缺陷,使π電子在分子內的活動區(qū)域減小,最多只能為半導體材料; (3)有機金屬聚合物中含有金屬離子,使導電性增加; (4)將可提供或接受電子的聚合物與小分子電子受體或給體摻雜,可形成電荷轉移復合物,通過電子給體與受體之間的電荷轉移而導電。 《高分子物理》高等教育出版社 仿佛頃刻間,亞運就來到了我們身邊。一個普通的人,很難想象它背后隱藏著多少人的心血,藏匿著多少人的汗水,背負著多少人的夢想,寄托了多少人的祝愿,在這個激動人心的時刻,在這個萬眾矚目的地方of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. To conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy- 配套講稿:
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- 材料 物理 導論 熊兆賢著 課后 習題 答案 第三 參考 解答