畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
(可從教務處網頁上下載)打印,要求正文小4號宋體,1.5倍行距, 打印在 上 。
3.任務書內填寫的內容,必須 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文) 的情況 一 , 有 ,應 經 所在專業(yè)
系(院) 領導審 后 可 填寫。
4.任務書內有 學院 、 專業(yè) 名 的填寫,應寫 文 ,不 寫 字?¢。學生的 學號 要寫
號,不 £寫?后2¥或1¥ 字。
5.任務書內 要?§文currency1 的填寫,應按'“???fi學院fl?畢業(yè)設計(論文) 寫–??的要求書寫。
6.有 · ? ??的填寫,應 按'?標GB/T 7408—94“ 據元 ?”格式、?…?”、?? ‰
? `?–′的要求,一?用?ˉ? 字書寫。˙ 2002·4 2? 或 2002-04-02”。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
1.fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題應¨ 的目的:
汽車驅動橋殼?汽車的 要?載 ?? ,橋殼的ˇ — 汽車的有效 用 。由于 況
, 驅動橋殼的 載 ,? 橋殼 a 的情況‰有發(fā)生,fl課題 求??˙?o 橋殼
用 的有效 。
fl課題 ?驅動橋殼的 ?, ANSYS 驅動橋殼?行? ?? 分析,? ?? 分析,
— 分析 ;?后 出改? `, ?行有限元分析。
2.fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題任務的內容 要求(包括原始 據、fi術要求、工作要求 ):
fl課題 ?驅動橋殼的 ?, ANSYS 驅動橋殼?行? ?? 分析,? ?? 分
析,— 分析 ;?后 出改? `, ?行有限元分析。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
3. fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題 果的要求〔包括 ?、實物 硬 要求〕:
1、 Creo 汽車驅動橋殼?行實體
2、在ANSYS軟 ?行有限元 ?的分析
3、得出驅動橋殼不同工作狀態(tài)下各種應?云 并?行優(yōu)化設計
4、畢業(yè)論文1萬字左右(并附 的分析 據)
4. 要?§文currency1:
[1]楊波,羅?橋 基于ANSYS汽車驅動橋殼的有限元分析 [J].機械研究與應用,2005,18(6).
[2]浦廣益.ANSYS Workbench 12 基礎教程與實例詳? [M].北京: ?水利水電出版社,2010.
[3]宋志安,于濤,李紅艷, .機械結構有限元分析— ANSYS 與 ANSYS Workbench 工程應用 [M].北京:
?防工業(yè)出版社, 2010.
[4]江見鯨,?放龍,?益斌,陸 征.有限元` 應用[M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2006.
[5]譚繼錦.汽車有限元`[M]北京:人民? 出版社,2005.
[6]林正祥.汽車驅動橋橋殼動?特ˇ分析與— 預測 [D].[碩士學¥論文].安徽:合肥工 學,2009.
[7]劉惟?.汽車車橋設計[M].北京:清華 學出版社,2004.
[8]盧耀祖,張 慧.汽車后橋— 驗‰ 紋擴展與應 化的 驗研究[J].機械 ,2001.
[9]褚志 ,鄧兆祥,李偉 .汽車驅動橋殼結構破壞機理分析研究[J].汽車研究與開發(fā),2001,(6).
[10]余 龍,董益亮.雜?系統(tǒng)動?學分析的有限元`-汽車后橋有限元 與分析[J]. ?機械工
[11]衛(wèi)?橋.壓縮天然氣城市公?客車車身有限元分析與優(yōu)化[D]上海? 學,2003.
[12]朱崢濤,丁 輝.不同厚 驅動橋橋殼有限元分析[J]現(xiàn)?制?工程,2006,11.
[13]李麗.汽車后橋有限元分析 預測[D].吉林:吉林 學,2008.
[14]左曙光, 偉.基于有限元分析的 車后橋— 分析[J].汽車工程,2004,26(4).
[15] , , .驅動橋橋殼 ?工況的有限元計 [J].林業(yè)機械與 工設 ,2004,32(12).
[16]劉斌.橋殼的有限元分析 結構優(yōu)化[J].上海汽車,2004(8).
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
5.fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題工作? 計 :
2015.12.05-2016.01.15 ′ 題,填寫審題?;指導教師下發(fā)任務書,學生查 課題 ?§文currency1、資
料, 寫開題 。
2016.01.16-2016.02.25 ?開題 、外文?§資料 譯文、畢業(yè)設計(論文) ;開始畢業(yè)設計
2016.02.26-2016.04.15具體設計或研究 實 , ?畢業(yè)設計(論文)草 ,填寫 ? 查?。
2016.04.16-2016.05.05 論文或設計 書、 料, ?畢業(yè)設計(論文)′ ,指導 師審
2016.05.06-2016.05.13 ?畢業(yè)設計 文檔,學生準 ;? 教師? 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文)。
2016.05.13-2016.05.26根據學院統(tǒng)一安¢,?行畢業(yè)設計(論文) 。
負責人: 2016 · 1 22 ?
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)開 題 報 告
3.“文獻綜述”應按論文的框架成文,并 書寫(或打?。┰?開題報告 一 目內,學生寫文獻綜述的
文獻應 于15 ( );
4.有 期的填寫,應 按 標GB/T 7408—94 據元 交 格式 交 期 時
?¢£?¥的要求,一?用§currency1' “書寫。?“2004 4 26 ”或“2004-04-26”。
5 開題報告(文獻綜述)“??按fi? fl –書寫,? ?1.5·。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1. ?畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題??,”據所查?的文獻資料,…‰ 寫 于1000“? 的文獻綜述:
(1)?題`′的??ˉ?汽車工業(yè)的˙¨ ?,對汽車的? 要求???˙,ˇ— 統(tǒng)的驅動橋殼的設計
計 ¢ 經 ¢ 汽車設計的要求。電子計 的 及有限元¢的 ¨ ?為驅動橋殼的 ?
的計 分析 ?? 的a 。由于汽車驅動橋殼 汽車 要的 ?? ??,驅動橋殼的? o
汽車的有效—用 , 此,驅動橋殼應? 有 的 ? ? ?的o ????。驅動橋殼
分為整?式橋殼,分 式橋殼 ?式橋殼。整?式橋殼 有 的 ? ?,便于主減¨器的裝配 調整
維修, 此普遍用于各類汽車上。由于其形狀復雜, 此應?計 比 困難。”據汽車設計理論,驅動橋殼
的常?設計 ¢將橋殼看成一簡支梁并校核幾種 型計 工?下某些?¥斷面的最 應?值,再 慮一個安全
系 ?確¥許用的工作應?。ˇ種設計 ¢有很多局限?, 此許多`′‰員利用有限元 ¢對驅動橋殼進?
?計 分析。(2)?題`′的意義通過有限元模擬 ¢,分析汽車驅動橋殼在 同工?下對應的應? 變
形,為汽車驅動橋的 ?評價及o 估 提供?所需的 據,也為汽車安全運?提供?必須的依據。同時,
有限元 ¢的利用,可 降低開 成 縮短設計開 周期 提˙產品質量。(3)?題`′的內容 ①?題`
′知識?? 汽車驅動橋殼 汽車的主要 ??之一,其形狀復雜,而汽車的?駛條?又 千變萬化的, 此
要精確計 汽車?駛時作用于橋殼各處應?的 fl 很困難的。將橋殼復雜的受?狀?簡化成三種 型的計
工?,即 車輪 受最 的鉛垂?時; 車輪 受最 切向?時; 及 車輪 受最 側向?時。只要在ˇ三
種?荷計 工?下橋殼的 ? 到保證,就認為?橋殼在汽車各種?駛條?下 可靠的。有限元¢ 一種
化的 計 ¢,在一¥前提條?下,它可 計 各種 械零?的幾乎所有幾何部位的應? 應變。 內外
都曾用它分析過汽車驅動橋殼的靜 動態(tài) ?問題,事實上 型工?的有限元分析計 更 有 實的工程意義。
② ?`′內容 `′ ¢通過CATIA建立汽車驅動橋殼的三維模型,將三維模型導入到ANSYS中?;?
ANSYS的汽車驅動橋殼的 化有限元模型,在最 垂向?工?下對橋殼進?靜?分析, 到橋殼的應?
位移分布??。對橋殼進?模態(tài)分析, 到橋殼1-5 有 動 。通過o 分析, 橋殼各部分
的o 安全系 。分析所 據, 斷驅動橋殼的 ?水 , 而提 化 。 文獻 [1] ,
橋 基于ANSYS汽車驅動橋殼的有限元分析 [J]. 械`′ 應用,2005,18(6). [2] .ANSYS
Workbench 12 基 教程 實 [M]. :中 水利水電 ,2010. [3]fi 安,于 , , .
械 有限元分析 ANSYS ANSYS Workbench 工程應用 [M]. : ?工業(yè) , 2010.
[4]¢見£,何?¥,何 ?,§ currency1.有限元¢及其應用[M]. : 械工業(yè) ,2006. [5]'“?.汽車
有限元¢[M] :‰?交通 ,2005. [6]?fifl.汽車驅動橋橋殼動???分析 o – [D].
[??學位論文].安·:? 工 學,2009. [7]?? .汽車車橋設計[M]. :?? 學 ,2004.
[8]”?…,‰全 .汽車后橋o ? 時`′?? 應變變化的? `′[J]. 械 ?,2001. [9]? ,
ˉ?fl, ˙ .汽車驅動橋殼 ¨ 理分析`′[J].汽車`′ 開 ,2001,(6). [10]?成¥,?
.雜交系統(tǒng)動?學分析的有限元¢-汽車后橋有限元建模 分析[J].中 械工程,2003,14(20). [11]
? 橋.?縮ˇ— 交 車車 有限元分析 化[D]上 交通 學,2003. [12] , 成 .
同 ?驅動橋橋殼有限元分析[J] 工程,2006,11. [13] .汽車后橋有限元分析及 –
[D]. ?: ? 學,2008. [14]?? ,a˙.基于有限元分析的 車后橋o 分析[J].汽車工
程,2004,26(4). [15] ,??,?o .驅動橋橋殼 型工?的有限元計 [J].?業(yè) 械 工設
,2004,32(12). [16]??.橋殼的有限元分析及 化[J].上 汽車,2004(8).
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
2. ?題要`′或 的問題 擬 用的`′ (? ):
一 ?題`′及 的問題 1 ?題`′的問題:通過對汽車驅動橋殼進?有限元分析,`′汽車驅動橋殼的
靜動態(tài)??,為驅動橋殼的 化設計提供 2 ?題 的問題: `′需要”據分析所 據, 斷橋殼
的 ?水 , 而提 化 。 `′ (? ) 1 查?文獻資料,? 汽車驅動橋殼 ? 模
態(tài)分析ˇ一 ?的 內外`′ 狀及 ? ,? 汽車驅動橋殼的主要 ?; 2 學?CATIA建立汽
車驅動橋殼的三維模型; 3 學?有限元的基 理論 ??,為后 工作 ; 4 對汽車驅動橋殼進?
靜態(tài)分析(三種 型工?的分析:最 鉛垂?工? 最 動?工? 最 側向?工?) 模態(tài)分析(計 驅
動橋殼的 動模態(tài) 有 ); 5 分析所 果, 斷橋殼的 ?水 。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
針對?題所涉及的問題 泛?讀文獻,并 對?題`′ ?的 狀 動態(tài) ?前? 進?綜?分析 評述,
2.對 ?題的深? ?及工作量的意見 對設計(論文) 果的 –:
對?題所涉及的`′內容在 有相 專業(yè)知識的基 上,進一步深入學?相 軟?,應 ?期完成 次畢
3. 否同意開題:√ 同意 □ 同意
2016 03 09
2016 04 07
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文
譯文題目: Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles
?! I(yè):
職 稱:
Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles
1.1 Research Motivation and Purpose
Autonomous intelligent vehicles are generic technology sets to augment vehicle autonomous driving entirely or in part for autonomous and safety purposes. Fundamentally, autonomous intelligent vehicles refer to many mobile robot technologies. In principle, we consider autonomous intelligent vehicles as mobile robot platforms in this book. Hence, an intelligent vehicle consists of four fundamental technologies: environment perception and modeling, localization and map building, path planning and decision-making, and motion control [26], shown in Fig. 1.1.
The dreams of a human being are the power and source of pushing the world forward. The National Research Council once predicted that the core weapon in the twentieth century would be the tank, while that in the twenty-first century—an unmanned battle system [1]. Moreover, a third of the U.S. military ground vehicles must be unmanned by 2015. Therefore, since 1980s, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a new project, namely the unmanned battle project. Its goal is to design a car which can autonomously implement navigation, obstacle avoidance, and path planning. Afterwards, it opened an intelligent vehicle era. Moreover, the U.S. Department of Energy launched a ten year robot and intelligent system plan (1986–1995), and also the space robot plan. In terms of space exploration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has developed several wheeled rovers, such as Spirit and Opportunity, for science explorations.1
A major concern associated with the rapid growth in automotive production is an increase in traffic congestion and accidents [36]. To solve the problem, the governments all over the world have been increasing funds to improve the traffic infrastructure, enforce traffic laws, and educate drivers about traffic regulations. In addition, research institutes have launched R&D projects in driver assistance and safety warning systems. Therefore, in the last decade, many research works in the area of intelligent vehicles all over the world led to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for improving road safety and reducing traffic accidents [7]. Autonomous intelligent vehicles are now widely applied to Driver Assistance and Safety Warning Systems (DASWS) [36], such as Forward Collision Warning [9, 27], Adaptive Cruise Control [32], Lane Departure Warning [16]. In recent years, with the development of economy and society, the issues of traffic safety, energy shortage, and environment pollution became more serious. Those problems then led to higher volumes of research and applications. Toward this end, combining vehicles, drivers and lanes together, we can implement better traffic capacity and traffic safety using computer control, artificial intelligence and communication technologies [3].
The most important reasons for the large numbers of traffic accidents are burdensome driving and fatigue driving. When driving on the traffic congestion lanes, drivers have to do a lot of operations, such as shifting and pulling clutches, and they have to complete 20 to 30 coordination operations of hand and foot movements each minute. With the economic development and the increase of vehicle ownership, the number of non-professional drivers are rising, leading to frequent traffic accidents. As a result, traffic accidents have become the first public nuisance in modern society. Traffic problems have troubled the whole world, and then, the question of how to improve traffic safety has become an urgent social issue. Lane departure systems, fatigue detection systems, and automatic cruise control can greatly reduce driver’s workload and improve transportation system safety.
The widely application prospects of intelligent vehicles promote the development of transportation systems which attracts a growing number of research institutions and auto manufacturers. The DARPA had held the Grand Challenges and the Ur- ban Challenge since 2004. Their goal is to develop autonomous intelligent vehicles capable of both perceiving various environments, such as desert trails, roads, and urban areas, and navigating at high speeds2 [5, 30, 31]. In the first Grand Challenge, CMU’s Sandstorm went for 7.4 miles from the start, opening the possibilities of autonomous capability [30]. In 2005, five vehicles, namely Stanley, Sand- storm, Highlander, Kat-5, and Terra-Max, were able to complete that challenge, and Stanley took the first place ahead of Sandstorm [31]. After the success of the two Grand Challenges, the DARPA organized the Urban Challenge [5]. In the Urban Challenge, based on the technical reports of implementing safe and capable autonomous vehicles, the DARPA allowed 53 teams to demonstrate how they navigate simple urban driving scenes. After these demonstrations, only 36 teams were invited to attend the National Qualification Event (NQE). Finally, only 11 teams were qualified for the Urban Challenge Final Event (UCFE). In China, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games whose slogans were Hi-tech Olympics and Green Olympics adopted many advanced traffic management systems, intelligent vehicles, electric vehicles for improving vehicle safety performance, reducing pollution, easing traffic congestion. Consequently, those innovations drew attention of many researchers. In 2011, China released ten leading edge technologies and modern transportation technologies among which were technologies aiming at developing intelligent vehicles. Moreover, the National Natural Science Foundation of China launched the state key development plan in 2008, so that audio-visual information based cognizing computation3 could integrate human–computer interfaces, computer vision, language understanding, and cooperative computing. Finally, upon those achievements, the goal of this plan is to develop autonomous intelligent vehicles which are capable of both perceiving natural environment and making intelligent decisions. Meanwhile, similar to the Grand Challenge supported by DARPA, the plan holds the Future Challenge each year.
The research on intelligent vehicles can greatly facilitate the rapid development of other disciplines, such as exploring planets. The U.S. Mars vehicles Spirit and Opportunity play an irreplaceable role in exploring Mars and the vast universe be- yond Mars [13, 23]. In China, the government released the White Paper “China Aerospace” in November 2000, which targets exploring the moon and other planets in the near future. Furthermore, space mobile robots are the key part for exploring planets which could benefit the utilizing solar energy.
1.2 The Key Technologies of Intelligent Vehicles
As we mentioned before, intelligent vehicles are a set of intelligent agents which integrate multi-sensor fusion based environment perception and modeling, localization and map building, path planning and decision-making, and motion control, shown in Fig. 1.1. The environment perception and modeling module is responsible for sensing environment structures in a multi-sensor way and providing a model of the surrounding environment. Here, the environment model includes a list of moving objects,that of static obstacles, vehicle position relative to the current road, the road shape, etc. Finally, this module provides the environment model and the local map to the localization and map building module by processing the original data, vision, lidar, and radar. The second module, vehicle localization and map building, is to use geometric feature location estimate in the map to determine the vehicle’s position, and to interpret sensor information to estimate the locations of geometric features in a global map. As a result, the second module yields a global map based on the environment model and a local map. The path planning and decision-making module is to assist in ensuring that the vehicle is operated in accordance with the rules of the ground, safety, comfortability, vehicle dynamics, and environment con- texts. Hence, this module can potentially improve mission efficiency and generate the desired path. The final module, motion control, is to execute the commands necessary to achieve the planned paths, thus yielding interaction between the vehicle and its surrounding environment. A brief introduction of these modules is presented below.
1.2.1 Multi-sensor Fusion Based Environment Perception and Modeling
Figure 1.2 illustrates a general environment perception and modeling framework. From this framework, we can see that: (i) The original data are collected by various sensors; (ii) Various features are extracted from the original data, such as road (object) colors, lane edges, building contours; (iii) Semantic objects are recognized using classifiers, and consist of lanes, signs, vehicles, pedestrians; (iv) We can de- duce driving contexts, and vehicle positions.
Multi-sensor fusion
Multi-sensor fusion is the basic framework of intelligent vehicles for better sensing surrounding environment structures, and detecting objects/obstacles. Roughly, the sensors used for surrounding environment perception are divided into two categories: active and passive ones. Active sensors include lidar, radar, ultrasonic and radio, while the commonly-used passive sensors are infrared and visual cameras. Different sensors are capable of providing different detection precision and range, and yielding different effects on environment. That is, combining various sensors could cover not only short-range but also long-range objects/obstacles, and also work in various weather conditions. Furthermore, the original data of different sensors can be fused in low-level fusion, high-level fusion, and hybrid fusion [4, 14, 20, 35].
Dynamic Environment Modeling
Dynamic environment modeling based on moving on-vehicle cameras plays an important role in intelligent vehicles [17]. However, this is extremely challenging due to the combined effects of ego-motion, blur, light changing. Therefore,traditional methods for gradual illumination change, small motion objects [28] such as background subtraction, do not work well any more, even those that have been widely used in surveillance applications. Consequently, more and more approaches try to handle these issues [2, 17]. Unfortunately, it is still an open problem to reliably model and update background.
To select different driving strategies, several broad scenarios are usually considered in path planning and decision-making, when navigating roads, intersections, parking lots, jammed intersections. Hence, scenario estimators are helpful for further decision-making, which is commonly used in the Urban Challenge.
Object Detection and Tracking
In general, in a driving environment, we are interested in static/dynamic obstacles, lane markings, traffic signs, vehicles, and pedestrians. Correspondingly, object detection and tracking are the key parts of environment perception and modeling.
1.2.2 Vehicle Localization and Map Building
The goal of vehicle localization and map building is to generate a global map by combining the environment model, a local map and global information. In autonomous driving, vehicle localization is either to estimate road geometry or to localize the vehicle relative to roads under the conditions of known maps or un- known maps. Hence, vehicle localization refers to road shape estimation, position filtering, transforming the vehicle pose into a coordinate frame. For vehicle localization, we face several challenges as follows: (i) Usually, the absolute positions from GPS/DGPS and its variants are insufficient due to signal transmission; (ii) The path planning and decision-making module needs more than just the vehicle absolute position as input; (iii) Sensor noises greatly affect the accuracy of vehicle localization. Regarding the first issue, though the GPS and its variants have been widely used in vehicle localization, its performance could degrade due to signal blockages and reflections of buildings and trees. In the worst case, Inertia Navigation Sys- tem (INS) can maintain a position solution. As for the second issue, local maps fusing laser, radar, and vision data with vehicle states are used to locate and track both static/dynamic obstacles and lanes. Furthermore, global maps could contain lane geometric information, lane makings, step signs, parking lots, check points and provide global environment information. Referring to the third issue, various noise modules are considered to reduce localization error [26].
自主智能車是通用的技術設置,以增加車輛自主駕駛或部分自主駕駛的安全性為目的。從根本上說,自主的智能車輛是指多移動機器人技術。原則上,我們認為自主智能車應該放在移動機器人平臺這本書中。因此,智能車輛包括四個基本技術:環(huán)境感知和建模,地圖創(chuàng)建與定位,路徑規(guī)劃和決策,以及運動控制。[26] 如圖1.1所示。
一個人的夢想是推動世界前進的動力和源泉。美國國家研究委員會曾預測,二十世紀的核心武器是坦克,而在二十一世紀是無人戰(zhàn)斗系統(tǒng)[ 1 ] 。此外到2015年,美國軍隊的地面無人車輛要達到總車輛的三分之一。因此,20世紀80年代以來,美國國防高級研究計劃局(DARPA )啟動了一個新項目,即無人駕駛戰(zhàn)斗項目。它的目標是設計一款能實現(xiàn)自主導航,避障,路徑規(guī)劃的車。此后,它開啟了一個智能汽車時代。此外,美國能源部推出一個十年機器人和智能系統(tǒng)規(guī)劃( 1986-1995 ) ,也是太空機器人計劃。在太空探索方面,美國國家航空和航天局(NASA )已經開發(fā)了數個輪式探測器,如勇氣號和機遇號等。
kat-5和TerraMax。斯坦利取代了沙塵暴第一的位置。[31]. 這兩個大挑戰(zhàn)成功后,DARPA舉辦了城市挑戰(zhàn)賽。在城市挑戰(zhàn)賽中,基于車輛自主安全的技術檢測,DARPA允許53支車隊展示他們是如何在城市中簡單駕駛的場景。在這些展示之后,只有36支車隊有資格被邀請參加全國性的賽事。最后,只有11支車隊有資格進入城市挑戰(zhàn)賽的決賽。在中國,2008年北京奧運會的宗旨是科技奧運、綠色奧運,采用了許多先進的交通管理系統(tǒng)和電動汽車,來提高車輛的安全性能,減少污染,緩解交通堵塞。因此,這些創(chuàng)新吸引了眾多研究者的關注。2011,中國發(fā)布了十大前沿技術和現(xiàn)代交通技術,其中以開發(fā)智能車技術為目標。此外,2008年,中國國家自然科學基金推出了國家重點發(fā)展規(guī)劃,以視聽信息為基礎
基于動態(tài)環(huán)境建模的車載攝像頭在智能車輛中起著重要的作用。[17]. 然而,由于自運動,模糊,光變化的綜合影響這是極具挑戰(zhàn)性的。因此,對于傳統(tǒng)的漸進光照變化的方法,小型運動物體,如背景減除,工作的不是很好,即使是那些已被廣泛用于在監(jiān)視中的應用程序。因此,越來越多的方法用來處理這些問題[2,17]. 不幸的是,以可靠的模型和更新背景,它仍然是一個懸而未決的問題。
車輛定位與地圖構建的目標是通過結合環(huán)境模型、局部地圖和全局信息來生成全局地圖。在自動駕駛過程中,車輛定位是可以估計道路幾何形狀或相對于道路的車輛的已知地圖或未知的地圖。因此,車輛定位是指道路形狀估計,過濾,改變車輛構成坐標系。對于車輛定位,我們面臨的挑戰(zhàn)如下:(i)通常,來自GPS / DGPS的絕對位置會由于信號傳輸導致位置發(fā)生變化;(ii)路徑規(guī)劃和決策模塊需要的不僅僅是輸入車輛的絕對位置;(iii)傳感器噪聲大大影響車輛定位的準確性。關于第一個問題,雖然在GPS和其變體已在車輛的定位得到廣泛應用,它的性能可能會由于建筑物和樹木對信號的堵塞和反射而降低。在最壞的情況下,慣性導航系統(tǒng)(INS)可以保持一個位置的解決方案。至于第二個問題,本地地圖會融合激光,雷達和視覺數據與車輛狀態(tài)來用于定位和追蹤靜態(tài)/動態(tài)障礙物和車道。此外,全球地圖可能包含車道的幾何信息,車道標線,標牌步,停車場,檢查點和提供全球環(huán)境信息。談到第三個問題,各種噪聲模塊被視為降低定位誤差。[26].