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摘 要
關鍵詞:轉向器 殼體 定位精度 夾具設計
Steering shell drilling fixture design
Steering is also called steering system, steering system, which is the most important part of the steering. Its role is to: increase the propagation direction of the steering wheel to change the power transmission and power steering linkage. Form of the steering structure can be divided into several types. Historically, there have been many forms of steering, there are currently more commonly used rack and pinion, worm crank the pin, recirculating ball - Fan-rack gear, recirculating ball crank pin and worm-type and so on.
The main purpose of this system is to study the recirculating ball steering gear.
This article discusses the recirculating ball steering gear housing bore and fixture design. Steering shell hole dimensional accuracy, shape accuracy and location accuracy requirements are very high, and the shell is a combination of two overlapping cross cylinder, and the arrangement process, the need for housing is more accurate, reasonable position. The housing member and the step of the overall behavior of the exact positioning, positioning accuracy of the correct positioning step to achieve the desired accuracy of drilling.
Keywords:steering gear case positioning accuracy fixture design目錄
目錄 3
第一章 緒論 4
1.1 夾具的工作原理 4
1.2夾具的分類 4
1.3機床夾具的發(fā)展趨勢 4
1.4 本章小結 5
第二章 轉向器殼體鉆夾具的設計選擇 5
2.1 轉向器殼體的分析 6
2.2 機床的選擇 6
2.3 鉆床夾具的選擇 7
2.4 選擇鉆模板 7
2.5 鉆套的選擇 8
2.6 鉆套導引孔尺寸和公差的確定 9
2.7 鉆套高度選擇和鉆套與工件距離 9
第三章 工件在夾具中的定位 10
3.1 工件定位的基本原理 10
3.2 確定定位方案 10
3.3 定位元件的選擇與設計 11
4.4 導向元件的選擇 12
第四章 定位誤差的分析與計算 14
4.1 定位誤差 14
4.2 定位誤差的組成及計算方法 14
第五章 工件的夾緊 15
5.2 夾緊力的計算 15
參考文獻 17
致謝 18
第一章 緒論
1.1 夾具的工作原理
1 工件加工對準夾具的準確位置。它是由位于相應的面部表面與夾具接觸工件的定位元件的定位,有或取向來實現。
2 夾具在機床上應確保適當和準確的位置和方向固定結構,并確保相對于夾具和機床連接表面之間,從而確保相對夾具表面切割機移動到的面部的準確位置的工件的定位元件形成一個精確的表面幾何形狀,它達到了面向定位基準線所需的各等精密加工作業(yè)時的位置。
3 使刀具定位元件相關的確切位置,從而確保加工的工件定位基準位置大小的表面上的刀具相對定位面的調整。
與加工精度的提高,為了降低定位誤差,提高加工精度,制造精密的夾具苛求。 ± 5μm的精密定位夾具高音調的準確性,夾具支撐面達到0.01mm/300mm ,高平行度0.01mm/500mm 。德國demmeler (戴美樂)制造的長4米,寬2米的孔系列組合焊接夾具平臺, 5μm以下,它的高錯誤的定位是± 0.03毫米平行度和垂直度老虎鉗鉗安裝重復精度高達± 5μm的:瑞士EROWA重復柔性夾具定位精度可達2 ? 5μm的。精密夾具及固定裝置已提高到微米級,世界知名的夾具制造公司都是精密機械制造企業(yè)。事實上,為了滿足不同行業(yè)和經濟發(fā)展的需要,與文件夾不同型號和不同檔次的精度標準供選擇。
4 適用 ,經濟
1.4 本章小結
第二章 轉向器殼體鉆夾具的設計選擇
2.1 轉向器殼體的分析
為了安裝需要鉆孔在所述殼體的4 Φ13 HFC方向側的表面上。下面工件。由于沒有現成的裝置可用,這樣流程來設計專用夾具。
2.2 機床的選擇
型 號
主 軸
最大行 程
轉 速
2.3 鉆床夾具的選擇
a 固定式鉆模:
b 回轉式鉆模:
c 翻轉式鉆模:
d 蓋板式鉆模:
e 滑柱式鉆模:
2.4 選擇鉆模板
2.5 鉆套的選擇
可互換的襯套的實際功能和一個固定的軸襯,如在較大數量時,它可以被磨損后立即更換。避免穿鉆模板,鉆套不直接安裝在鉆模板或一個特定的文件夾但H6/G5 H7/G6或與襯套孔,具有防旋轉螺釘以防止摩擦處理當用工具解除工具,芯片和鉆孔的鉆套護套產生旋轉作用或回縮,并夾在襯套或鉆模板與特定的使用H7/n6或H7/r6 。
c 快換鉆套:
d 特殊鉆套:
2.6 鉆套導引孔尺寸和公差的確定
1)導套基本尺寸鉆孔直徑應等于最大極限尺寸指南工具,以防止卡住而死亡 2)并與導向孔刀具的鉆頭套筒,軸應根據選擇系統(tǒng)中,因為這些工具的結構和尺寸已經標準化。
3)刀具和導向套筒之間的鉆孔應確保有一定的配合間隙,以防止堵塞。根據所選刀具的類型和精度要求導孔公差引導,鉆孔和擴孔選F7,F8 ;原油相比G7選舉;精度被選擇比G6 。
4)標準鉆孔的最大尺寸被處理的基本尺寸,鉆導向孔的基本尺寸和孔的加工公差的相同的基本尺寸取F7 。
5)如果工具不開機的切削部分,但與導柱部分,可以按與H7/f7 , H7/g6 ,或H6/g5選擇相應的孔基礎。
2.7 鉆套高度選擇和鉆套與工件距離
是由鉆頭套筒的精度,工件材料,孔的加工精度,工具壽命,其表面形狀因子的高度確定。的± 0.25毫米間距或自由公差尺寸精度鉆,鉆套的高度取H=(1.5~2.5)d。鉆套內徑采用基軸制F8的公差。所以H=(1.5~2.5)d=(1.5~2.5)×13=19.5~32.5mm
工件和鉆頭套筒留有一定距離h之間,如果h過大傾斜量增加,使得鉆頭夾持器是不是一個很好的指導。 h過小,則切屑排出困難,不僅提高了工件的表面粗糙度,鉆頭有時會斷裂。
第三章 工件在夾具中的定位
3.1 工件定位的基本原理
3.2 確定定位方案
工件應該限制的自由:X,移動在Y方向上的自由, X,Y, Z方向的轉動自由度
2) a以已加工的底面為基準面,限制 X ,Y方向的轉動自由度,Z方向的移動自由度。
b 以中間孔套入一根長芯軸,限制X, Y方向的轉動和移動自由度。
c 以后面的已加工的孔為基準套入一定位軸,限制Z 方向的自由度。
3.3 定位元件的選擇與設計
1) 平面定位元件:固定支承、可調支承、自位支承、輔助支承。
2) 圓孔表面定位元件
3) 外圓表面定位元件
4 )錐面定位元件
4.4 導向元件的選擇
我們已經選擇了可拆卸鉆模板。但是普通的可拆卸鉆模板還不能滿足我們的加工孔的要求,所以要另外設計。因為孔是兩套并行處理孔不對稱的。的分析表明,它們與中間孔之間的垂直連接成164°角。為了確保加工的精度,鉆模板可以被設計成三角形花鍵連接,花鍵齒的中心線164 °角,只是垂直的設計寬度的形式?;ㄦI與拉削或鉆孔加工,熱處理后的方法用于提高定心面的磨削精度。三角形與外花鍵齒銑機,熱處理后的磨削方法也可用于改善定心表面的精度和側翼,具體設計如下:
根據Dg=32 查表6-74內花鍵弧齒槽寬和外花鍵弧齒厚偏差取m=2 齒數:z=14 模數:m=2
齒頂圓直徑:dd= df+2(0.4+ξ)m=29.2+2(0.4+0.1)m=31.2mm
齒根圓直徑: dg=df -2(0.6-ξ)m=29.2-2(0.6-0.1)×2=26.6mm
公稱圓:D=df +2×(0.4+ξ)m=29.2+2×(0.4+0.1)×2=31.2mm
內花鍵齒根高:h"1=(0.6+ξ)× m=(0.6+0.1)×2=1.4
第四章 定位誤差的分析與計算
4.1 定位誤差
4.2 定位誤差的組成及計算方法
孔的工件的最大直徑和當所述定位銷O1O2, O1相對于上述圓筒狀工件和工件的尺寸,最小步長Hmin的最高位置時的相對位置OO2針的定位銷的最低條件沿O2工件的幾何形狀,以最大升力的底部位置的上述圓筒狀工件的最大尺寸下,定位誤差的過程,此時,我們可以看到的H在工件定位銷孔的直徑的大小和最大的最小條件的直徑中,當相對于定位銷O1O2 O1在最高位置與上述圓筒狀工件小時的尺寸工件時,最小步長Hmin的,當相對于定位銷OO2向下沿O2外側的工件的底部位置的工件圓的最大大小,則處理大小為最大揚程時,定位誤差在這個時間步長大小H被稱為: δ定位 =A1A2=Hmax–Hmin=O1O2+1/2d-1/2(d-Td)=O1O2 +1/2Td
δ定位=δ位置+δ不重=O1O2 +1/2Td
第五章 工件的夾緊
5.2 夾緊力的計算
V=27.91/51.62=0.52 m/s
Cv=14.7 Zv=0.25 Yv=0.55 m=0.125 f=0.3mm/r
查表10-4 鉆削時軸向力,扭距和功率的計算公式
M=9.81×0.021×13×0.3×1 =13.29N·m
Pm=2Mv/d=2×13.29/13 =2.04k N
F =Fw,簡化FW朝向中心,芯軸的軸向力Fw和旋轉力矩T ,當鉆削在如圖的孔時力矩最大,故計算這一個便可:
T =FwL=3471.5×157=545000N·mm
預緊力: Fp= kuF/uc=1.2×3471.57/0.15=27800N
表11-6,螺釘,螺柱和螺母的力學性能等級 =
[σ]=σs/s=480/1.5=320 MP
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2.吳克堅主編 機械原理 高等教育出版社 1990
3.吳宗澤主編 機械設計高等教育出版社 1991
4.吳可想主編 機械設計及其自動化 2008
5.李明亞主編 機床夾具設計 1993
6.李偉主編 機械設計手冊 1993
7.機床夾具設計手冊 上??茖W技術出版社 1990
8.機床夾具 上海科學技術出版社 1991
9.機床夾具及良具設計 白海清主編 2013
也許是時間的流逝是客觀的,但時光流逝純粹是主觀感覺。當我終于從考公務員,找工作,畢業(yè)設計釋放的壓力之下解脫出來,長嘆一聲,我突然明白了,原來已經在過去的四年里,到了告別的時候。一念至此,居然在恍惚中,所謂的流年,想必就是這么憂郁。但之后的失落感,總是有話說。大學四年,生活其實很簡單,但一次又一次的一些閱讀,寫作和考試。如果生命作為秀場的這個單調的循環(huán),我只是提供了一個安靜的演員。雖然沒有什么精彩的臺詞,但這個詞是幕即將告一段落這個時期。但不管有多么的差勁的演員,不管有多少觀眾觀眾,哪怕只是說給自己聽,在他的謝幕也永遠感謝一些人,這些人幫助他走上舞臺,成功或不那么成功的表現。我在這里首先要感謝我的論文指導教授 – 樊十全老師。從本論文的開題,數據查詢,修改定稿沒有他的努力,不知道會以何種面目出現。我很榮幸有這樣的老師,他是值得我感敬和尊重。我感謝工學院所有的學生和精彩的度過大學四年的人生的2010農業(yè)機械化及其自動化類的同學。感謝學院的所有老師,你讓我終身難忘。感謝所有關心,鼓勵和支持我的家人,親戚和朋友。
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 368378Locating completeness evaluation and revision in fixture planH. Song?, Y. RongCAM Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Rd, Worcester, MA 01609, USAReceived 14 September 2004; received in revised form 9 November 2004; accepted 10 November 2004AbstractGeometry constraint is one of the most important considerations in fixture design. Analytical formulation of deterministiclocation has been well developed. However, how to analyze and revise a non-deterministic locating scheme during the process ofactual fixture design practice has not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, a methodology to characterize fixturing systemsgeometry constraint status with focus on under-constraint is proposed. An under-constraint status, if it exists, can be recognizedwith given locating scheme. All un-constrained motions of a workpiece in an under-constraint status can be automatically identified.This assists the designer to improve deficit locating scheme and provides guidelines for revision to eventually achieve deterministiclocating.r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Fixture design; Geometry constraint; Deterministic locating; Under-constrained; Over-constrained1. IntroductionA fixture is a mechanism used in manufacturing operations to hold a workpiece firmly in position. Being a crucialstep in process planning for machining parts, fixture design needs to ensure the positional accuracy and dimensionalaccuracy of a workpiece. In general, 3-2-1 principle is the most widely used guiding principle for developing a locationscheme. V-block and pin-hole locating principles are also commonly used.A location scheme for a machining fixture must satisfy a number of requirements. The most basic requirement is thatit must provide deterministic location for the workpiece 1. This notion states that a locator scheme producesdeterministic location when the workpiece cannot move without losing contact with at least one locator. This has beenone of the most fundamental guidelines for fixture design and studied by many researchers. Concerning geometryconstraint status, a workpiece under any locating scheme falls into one of the following three categories:1. Well-constrained (deterministic): The workpiece is mated at a unique position when six locators are made to contactthe workpiece surface.2. Under-constrained: The six degrees of freedom of workpiece are not fully constrained.3. Over-constrained: The six degrees of freedom of workpiece are constrained by more than six locators.In 1985, Asada and By 1 proposed full rank Jacobian matrix of constraint equations as a criterion and formed thebasis of analytical investigations for deterministic locating that followed. Chou et al. 2 formulated the deterministiclocating problem using screw theory in 1989. It is concluded that the locating wrenches matrix needs to be full rank toachieve deterministic location. This method has been adopted by numerous studies as well. Wang et al. 3 consideredARTICLE IN PRESS front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2004.11.012?Corresponding author. Tel.: +15088316092; fax: +15088316412.E-mail address: hsongwpi.edu (H. Song).locatorworkpiece contact area effects instead of applying point contact. They introduced a contact matrix andpointed out that two contact bodies should not have equal but opposite curvature at contacting point. Carlson 4suggested that a linear approximation may not be sufficient for some applications such as non-prismatic surfaces ornon-small relative errors. He proposed a second-order Taylor expansion which also takes locator error interaction intoaccount. Marin and Ferreira 5 applied Chous formulation on 3-2-1 location and formulated several easy-to-followplanning rules. Despite the numerous analytical studies on deterministic location, less attention was paid to analyzenon-deterministic location.In the Asada and Bys formulation, they assumed frictionless and point contact between fixturing elements andworkpiece. The desired location is q*, at which a workpiece is to be positioned and piecewisely differentiable surfacefunction is gi(as shown in Fig. 1).The surface function is defined as giq? 0: To be deterministic, there should be a unique solution for the followingequation set for all locators.giq 0;i 1;2;.;n,(1)where n is the number of locators and q x0;y0;z0;y0;f0;c0? represents the position and orientation of theworkpiece.Only considering the vicinity of desired location q?; where q q? Dq; Asada and By showed thatgiq giq? hiDq,(2)where hiis the Jacobian matrix of geometry functions, as shown by the matrix in Eq. (3). The deterministic locatingrequirement can be satisfied if the Jacobian matrix has full rank, which makes the Eq. (2) to have only one solutionq q?:rankqg1qx0qg1qy0qg1qz0qg1qy0qg1qf0qg1qc0:qgiqx0qgiqy0qgiqz0qgiqy0qgiqf0qgiqc0:qgnqx0qgnqy0qgnqz0qgnqy0qgnqf0qgnqc026666666664377777777758:9=; 6.(3)Upon given a 3-2-1 locating scheme, the rank of a Jacobian matrix for constraint equations tells the constraint statusas shown in Table 1. If the rank is less than six, the workpiece is under-constrained, i.e., there exists at least one freemotion of the workpiece that is not constrained by locators. If the matrix has full rank but the locating scheme hasmore than six locators, the workpiece is over-constrained, which indicates there exists at least one locator such that itcan be removed without affecting the geometry constrain status of the workpiece.For locating a model other than 3-2-1, datum frame can be established to extract equivalent locating points. Hu 6has developed a systematic approach for this purpose. Hence, this criterion can be applied to all locating schemes.ARTICLE IN PRESSX Y Z O X Y Z O (x0,y0,z0) gi UCS WCS Workpiece Fig. 1. Fixturing system model.H. Song, Y. Rong / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 368378369Kang et al. 7 followed these methods and implemented them to develop a geometry constraint analysis module intheir automated computer-aided fixture design verification system. Their CAFDV system can calculate the Jacobianmatrix and its rank to determine locating completeness. It can also analyze the workpiece displacement and sensitivityto locating error.Xiong et al. 8 presented an approach to check the rank of locating matrix WL(see Appendix). They also intro-duced left/right generalized inverse of the locating matrix to analyze the geometric errors of workpiece. It hasbeen shown that the position and orientation errors DX of the workpiece and the position errors Dr of locators arerelated as follows:Well-constrained :DX WLDr,(4)Over-constrained :DX WTLWL?1WTLDr,(5)Under-constrained :DX WTLWLWTL?1Dr I6?6? WTLWLWTL?1WLl,(6)where l is an arbitrary vector.They further introduced several indexes derived from those matrixes to evaluate locator configurations, followed byoptimization through constrained nonlinear programming. Their analytical study, however, does not concern therevision of non-deterministic locating. Currently, there is no systematic study on how to deal with a fixture design thatfailed to provide deterministic location.2. Locating completeness evaluationIf deterministic location is not achieved by designed fixturing system, it is as important for designers to knowwhat the constraint status is and how to improve the design. If the fixturing system is over-constrained, informa-tion about the unnecessary locators is desired. While under-constrained occurs, the knowledge about all the un-constrained motions of a workpiece may guide designers to select additional locators and/or revise the locatingscheme more efficiently. A general strategy to characterize geometry constraint status of a locating scheme is describedin Fig. 2.In this paper, the rank of locating matrix is exerted to evaluate geometry constraint status (see Appendixfor derivation of locating matrix). The deterministic locating requires six locators that provide full rank locatingmatrix WL:As shown in Fig. 3, for given locator number n; locating normal vector ai;bi;ci? and locating position xi;yi;zi? foreach locator, i 1;2;.;n; the n ? 6 locating matrix can be determined as follows:WLa1b1c1c1y1? b1z1a1z1? c1x1b1x1? a1y1:aibiciciyi? biziaizi? cixibixi? aiyi:anbncncnyn? bnznanzn? cnxnbnxn? anyn2666666437777775.(7)When rankWL 6 and n 6; the workpiece is well-constrained.When rankWL 6 and n46; the workpiece is over-constrained. This means there are n ? 6 unnecessary locatorsin the locating scheme. The workpiece will be well-constrained without the presence of those n ? 6 locators. Themathematical representation for this status is that there are n ? 6 row vectors in locating matrix that can be expressedas linear combinations of the other six row vectors. The locators corresponding to that six row vectors consist oneARTICLE IN PRESSTable 1RankNumber of locatorsStatuso 6Under-constrained 6 6Well-constrained 646Over-constrainedH. Song, Y. Rong / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 368378370locating scheme that provides deterministic location. The developed algorithm uses the following approach todetermine the unnecessary locators:1. Find all the combination of n ? 6 locators.2. For each combination, remove that n ? 6 locators from locating scheme.3. Recalculate the rank of locating matrix for the left six locators.4. If the rank remains unchanged, the removed n ? 6 locators are responsible for over-constrained status.This method may yield multi-solutions and require designer to determine which set of unnecessary locators shouldbe removed for the best locating performance.When rankWLo6; the workpiece is under-constrained.3. Algorithm development and implementationThe algorithm to be developed here will dedicate to provide information on un-constrained motions of theworkpiece in under-constrained status. Suppose there are n locators, the relationship between a workpieces position/ARTICLE IN PRESSFig. 2. Geometry constraint status characterization.X Z Y (a1,b1,c1) 2,b2,c2) (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) (ai,bi,ci) (xi,yi,zi) (aFig. 3. A simplified locating scheme.H. Song, Y. Rong / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 368378371orientation errors and locator errors can be expressed as follows:DX DxDyDzaxayaz2666666666437777777775w11:w1i:w1nw21:w2i:w2nw31:w3i:w3nw41:w4i:w4nw51:w5i:w5nw61:w6i:w6n2666666666437777777775?Dr1:Dri:Drn2666666437777775,(8)where Dx;Dy;Dz;ax;ay;azare displacement along x, y, z axis and rotation about x, y, z axis, respectively. Driisgeometric error of the ith locator. wijis defined by right generalized inverse of the locating matrix Wr WTLWLWTL?15.To identify all the un-constrained motions of the workpiece, V dxi;dyi;dzi;daxi;dayi;dazi? is introduced such thatV DX 0.(9)Since rankDXo6; there must exist non-zero V that satisfies Eq. (9). Each non-zero solution of V represents an un-constrained motion. Each term of V represents a component of that motion. For example, 0;0;0;3;0;0? says that therotation about x-axis is not constrained. 0;1;1;0;0;0? means that the workpiece can move along the direction given byvector 0;1;1?: There could be infinite solutions. The solution space, however, can be constructed by 6 ? rankWLbasic solutions. Following analysis is dedicated to find out the basic solutions.From Eqs. (8) and (9)VX dxDx dyDy dzDz daxDax dayDay dazDaz dxXni1w1iDri dyXni1w2iDri dzXni1w3iDri daxXni1w4iDri dayXni1w5iDri dazXni1w6iDriXni1Vw1i;w2i;w3i;w4i;w5i;w6i?TDri 0.10Eq. (10) holds for 8Driif and only if Eq. (11) is true for 8i1pipn:Vw1i;w2i;w3i;w4i;w5i;w6i?T 0.(11)Eq. (11) illustrates the dependency relationships among row vectors of Wr: In special cases, say, all w1jequal to zero,V has an obvious solution 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, indicating displacement along the x-axis is not constrained. This is easy tounderstand because Dx 0 in this case, implying that the corresponding position error of the workpiece is notdependent of any locator errors. Hence, the associated motion is not constrained by locators. Moreover, a combinedmotion is not constrained if one of the elements in DX can be expressed as linear combination of other elements. Forinstance, 9w1ja0;w2ja0; w1j ?w2jfor 8j: In this scenario, the workpiece cannot move along x- or y-axis. However, itcan move along the diagonal line between x- and y-axis defined by vector 1, 1, 0.To find solutions for general cases, the following strategy was developed:1. Eliminate dependent row(s) from locating matrix. Let r rank WL; n number of locator. If ron; create a vectorin n ? r dimension space U u1:uj:un?rhi1pjpn ? r; 1pujpn: Select ujin the way that rankWL r still holds after setting all the terms of all the ujth row(s) equal to zero. Set r ? 6 modified locating matrixWLMa1b1c1c1y1? b1z1a1z1? c1x1b1x1? a1y1:aibiciciyi? biziaizi? cixibixi? aiyi:anbncncnyn? bnznanzn? cnxnbnxn? anyn2666666437777775r?6,where i 1;2;:;niauj:ARTICLE IN PRESSH. Song, Y. Rong / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 3683783722. Compute the 6 ? n right generalized inverse of the modified locating matrixWr WTLMWLMWTLM?1w11:w1i:w1rw21:w2i:w2rw31:w3i:w3rw41:w4i:w4rw51:w5i:w5rw61:w6i:w6r26666666664377777777756?r3. Trim Wrdown to a r ? rfull rank matrix Wrm: r rankWLo6: Construct a 6 ? r dimension vector Q q1:qj:q6?rhi1pjp6 ? r; 1pqjpn: Select qjin the way that rankWr r still holds after setting all theterms of all the qjth row(s) equal to zero. Set r ? r modified inverse matrixWrmw11:w1i:w1r:wl1:wli:wlr:w61:w6i:w6r26666664377777756?6,where l 1;2;:;6 laqj:4. Normalize the free motion space. Suppose V V1;V2;V3;V4;V5;V6? is one of the basic solutions of Eq. (10) withall six terms undetermined. Select a term qkfrom vector Q1pkp6 ? r: SetVqk ?1;Vqj 0 j 1;2;:;6 ? r;jak;(5. Calculated undetermined terms of V: V is also a solution of Eq. (11). The r undetermined terms can be found asfollows.v1:vs:v62666666437777775wqk1:wqki:wqkr2666666437777775?w11:w1i:w1r:wl1:wli:wlr:w61:w6i:w6r2666666437777775?1,where s 1;2;:;6saqj;saqk;l 1;2;:;6 laqj:6. Repeat step 4 (select another term from Q) and step 5 until all 6 ? r basic solutions have been determined.Based on this algorithm, a C+ program was developed to identify the under-constrained status and un-constrained motions.Example 1. In a surface grinding operation, a workpiece is located on a fixture system as shown in Fig. 4. The normalvector and position of each locator are as follows:L1:0, 0, 10, 1, 3, 00,L2:0, 0, 10, 3, 3, 00,L3:0, 0, 10, 2, 1, 00,L4:0, 1, 00, 3, 0, 20,L5:0, 1, 00, 1, 0, 20.Consequently, the locating matrix is determined.WL0013?100013?300011?20010?203010?2012666666437777775.ARTICLE IN PRESSH. Song, Y. Rong / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 368378373This locating system provides under-constrained positioning since rankWL 5o6: The program then calculatesthe right generalized inverse of the locating matrix.Wr000000:50:5?1?0:51:50:75?1:251:5000:250:25?0:5000:5?0:50000000:5?0:526666666643777777775.The first row is recognized as a dependent row because removal of this row does not affect rank of the matrix. Theother five rows are independent rows. A linear combination of the independent rows is found according therequirement in step 5 of the procedure for under-constrained status. The solution for this special case is obvious that allthe coefficients are zero. Hence, the un-constrained motion of workpiece can be determined as V ?1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0?:This indicates that the workpiece can move along x direction. Based on this result, an additional locator should beemployed to constraint displacement of workpiece along x-axis.Example 2. Fig. 5 shows a knuckle with 3-2-1 locating system. The normal vector and position of each locator in thisinitial design are as follows:L1:0, 1, 00, 896, ?877, ?5150,L2:0, 1, 00, 1060, ?875, ?3780,L3:0, 1, 00, 1010, ?959, ?6120,L4:0.9955, ?0.0349, 0.0880, 977, ?902, ?6240,L5:0.9955, ?0.0349, 0.0880, 977, ?866, ?6240,L6:0.088, 0.017, ?0.9960, 1034, ?864, ?3590.The locating matrix of this configuration isWL010515:000:8960010378:001:0600010612:001:01000:9955?0:03490:0880?101:2445?707:26640:86380:9955?0:03490:0880?98:0728?707:26640:82800:08800:0170?0:9960866:6257998:24660:093626666666643777777775,rankWL 5o6 reveals that the workpiece is under-constrained. It is found that one of the first five rows can beremoved without varying the rank of locating matrix. Suppose the first row, i.e., locator L1is removed from WL; theARTICLE IN PRESSXZYL3L4L5L2L1Fig. 4. Under-constrained locating scheme.H. Song, Y. Rong / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 368378374modified locating matrix turns intoWLM010378:001:0600010612:001:01000:9955?0:03490:0880?101:2445?707:26640:86380:9955?0:03490:0880?98:0728?707:26640:82800:08800:0170?0:996866:6257998:24660:09362666666437777775.The right generalized inverse of the modified locating matrix isWr1:8768?1:8607?20:666521:37160:49953:0551?2:0551?32:444832:44480?1:09561:086212:0648?12:4764?0:2916?0:00440:00440:0061?0:006100:0025?0:00250:0065?0:00690:0007?0:00040:00040:0284?0:0284026666666643777777775.The program checked the dependent row and found every row is dependent on other five rows. Without losinggenerality, the first row is regarded as dependent row. The 5 ? 5 modified inverse matrix isWrm3:0551?2:0551?32:444832:44480?1:09561:086212:0648?12:4764?0:2916?0:00440:00440:0061?0:006100:0025?0:00250:0065?0:00690:0007?0:00040:00040:0284?0:028402666666437777775.The undetermined solution is V ?1; v2; v3; v4; v5; v6?:To calculate the five undetermined terms of V according to step 5,1:8768?1:8607?20:666521:37160:499526666666643777777775T?3:0551?2:0551?32:444832:44480?1:09561:086212:0648?12:4764?0:2916?0:00440:00440:0061?0:006100:0025?0:00250:0065?0:00690:0007?0:00040:00040:0284?0:0284026666666643777777775?1 0; ?1:713; ?0:0432; ?0:0706; 0:04?.Substituting this result into the undetermined solution yields V ?1;0; ?1:713; ?0:0432; ?0:0706; 0:04?ARTICLE IN PRESSFig. 5. Knuckle 610 (modified from real design).H. Song, Y. Rong / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 21 (2005) 368378375This vector represents a free motion defined by the combination of a displacement along ?1, 0, ?1.713 directioncombined and a rotation about ?0.0432, ?0.0706, 0.04. To revise this locating configuration, another locator shouldbe added to constrain this free motion of the workpiece, assuming locator L1was removed in step 1. The program canalso calculate the free motions of the workpiece if a locator other than L1was removed in step 1. This provides morerevision options for designer.4. SummaryDeterministic location is an important requirement for fixture locating scheme design. Analytical criterion fordeterministic status has been well established. To further study non-deterministic status, an algorithm for checking thegeometry constraint status has been developed. This algorithm can identify an under-constrained status and indicatethe un-constrained motions of workpiece. It can also recognize an over-constrained status and unnecessary locators.The output information can assist designer to analyze and improve an existing locating scheme.Appendix. Locating matrixConsider a general workpiece as shown in Fig. 6. Choose reference frame fWg fixed to the workpiece. Let fGg andfLig be the global frame and the ith locator frame fixed relative to it. We haveFiXw;Hw;rwi fiXli;Hli;rli,(12)where Xw2 3?1and Hw2 3?1(Xli2 3?1and Hli2 3?1) are the position and orientation of the workpiece(the ith locator) in the global frame fGg; rwi2 3?1(rli2 3?1) is the position of the ith contact point between theworkpiece and the ith locator in the workpiece frame fWg (the ith locator frame fLig).Assume that DXw2 3?1(DHw2 3?1) and Drwi2 3?1are the deviations of the position Xw2 3?1(orientationHw2 3?1) of the workpiece and the position of the ith contact point rwi2 3?1; respectively. Then we have the actualcontact on the wor