1、單擊此處編輯母版標題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,1,如果家長多陪伴孩子的話,孩子會很容易適應新的環(huán)境。,(company,,,adapt,,,environment),If,parents often keep children company,children will,adapt themselves easily to,new environments,2.,如果你不能放規(guī)矩些,我們就把你一個人留下。,(behave,,,leave),If,you cant,behave yourself,we will,leave you alone,3.,他們
2、經(jīng)過多年的研究得出結(jié)論,地球正在變暖。,(conclude),After,many years of study,they have concluded that the earth,is getting warmer.,4,只有登上頂峰后,你們才能享受周圍的美景。,(only),Only after,you have reached the peak can you enjoy the beautiful scenery around.,5,盡管那時生活艱難,但他還是堅持他的科研工作。,(stick),Although,life was hard at that time,he still,
3、stuck to,his scientific research work.,6.Smith,第一次見到,Mary,的時候,他就給她留下了深刻的印象。,(the first time),The first time,Smith met Mary,he,left a deep impression on,her.,7.,我許諾只要你有時間,我會幫助你復習化學的。,(as long as),I promise that I will help you with your chemistry,as long as,you have time.,8,我記得整個事情,它似乎發(fā)生在昨天。,I rememb
4、er the whole thing,as if,it happened yesterday.,9.,過了許多年她才真正明白人生的真諦。(,before,),It was many years before,she knew the truth of human life,10,現(xiàn)在大部分的電器產(chǎn)品在銷售前經(jīng)過了嚴格的檢查,所以是可以信賴的。,(reliable),Most of the electric appliances are carefully examined,before,they are sold,so,they are reliable,11.,無論你到哪里去,不管我的事情,
5、Wherever,you go,,,it is none of my business.,12.,你不能進入房間除非你有通行證,You wont,be admitted into,the room,unless,you have a passport.,1,一些動物喜歡群居這樣當他們處于危險的時候可以互相幫助。,(pack),Some animals like living in packs,so that,they can help each other,when,they are in danger.,14,他如此忠誠于父母的意愿以至于最后勉強地去國外學習。,(sothat),He was
6、 so,loyal,to his parents wish that he went abroad to study,reluctantly,.,15,他很想申請那個職位,可是當他到達的時候,已經(jīng)沒有申請表格了。(,available,),He wanted to apply for that position very much,but,when,he arrived,no application form was available.,16,就我所知,在叔叔居住的那座小城里購物很不方便。,convenient,As far as I know,it is convenient to do
7、shopping in the little town where my uncle lives.,17,由于受到酸雨的影響,中國南部有些森林受到了破壞。,Damage,Because of,the effect of acid rain,some forests in the south of China were damaged.,18,當消防隊到達的時候,人們正在匆忙離開那撞著火的大樓。,Hurry out,When,the fire brigade,arrived,people,were hurrying,our of the building on fire.,19,盡管他失敗了好多
8、次,但他一點也不氣餒,繼續(xù)進行實驗。,Be discouraged,Although,he had failed many times,he was not a bit discouraged and went on with his experiments.,20,如果你當時意識到問題的嚴重性,并采取措施,結(jié)果就完全兩樣了。,Had you,Had,you realized how serious the problem was then and taken some measures,the result,would have,been completely different.,21,當
9、我聽到中國主辦,2008,年奧運會的消息,我高興的跳了起來。,Learn the news,When,I learned the news that China would become the host nation of the 2008 Olympic Games,I jumped with joy.,22,要是我交卷前把答案仔細檢查一下該多好啊!,check,If only,I had checked the answers before I handed in my test paper.,23,每當我爺爺看到這張照片,就使他想起,50,年前舉行的那次會議。,Whenever,my
10、grandfather sees the photo,it will remind him of the meeting held 50 years ago.,24,一個人的成功與否主要取決于他多勤奮,而不是他多聰明。,depend,Whether,a person is successful,or not,mainly depends on how hard he works,not how clever he is.,25,他到家時才意識到他把門鑰匙忘記在辦公室抽屜里了。,Only when,Only when,he got home,did he realize,that he had
11、left the key to the door in the drawer in his office.,26,即使我考試不及格也不會象,Tom,那樣作弊。,Fail in,Even if,I failed in the exam,I wont cheat as Tom did.,27,專家們建議污水凈化后才能排入河流,湖泊。,Make clean,The experts suggested that polluted water should be made clean,before it was poured into,the rivers and lakes.,28Smith,第一次去
12、杭州就被西湖的美打動。,Strike,The first time,Mr.Smith went to,Hangzhou,he,was struck by,the beauty of the West Lake.,29,既然你不想錯過去美國留學的機會,請盡快與那所大學聯(lián)系。,Contact,Now that,you dont want to miss the chance to study in America,please contact that university as soon as possible.,30,一旦你向朋友許諾,就一定要做到,否則他們就不信任你了。,Once,you m
13、ake a promise to your friends,you must keep it,otherwise,they will no longer trust you.,第二周,1.,昨天來過的那個人現(xiàn)在要見你。,The man,who came yesterday,wants to see you now.,2.,上學期教你們英語的那個女教師今年年底要去美國了。,The woman teacher,who taught you English last term,will go to America at the end of this year.,3.,他已邀請參加他的生日晚會的人是
14、那些人?,Who are the people,whom he has invited to his birthday party?,4.,你現(xiàn)在在使用的那本字典是誰的?,Whose is the dictionary,that you are using now,?,5.,他放錢的那個包不見了。,The bag,in which he keeps his money,is gone.,6.,你剛才提到的那本書現(xiàn)在碰巧在馬路角上的書店內(nèi)賤買。,The book,that you talked about,just now happened to be on sale in the book s
15、tore at the street corner.,7.,我正在看一本書,其中三分之一是廢話。,I am reading a book,two-thirds of which is rubbish,.,8.,你能看見山頂上有面紅旗的小山嗎?,Can you see the hill,on top of which there is a red flag?,9.,我喜歡那幢墻漆成紅色的房子。,I like the house,the walls of which/whose walls,are painted red.,10.,他向他弟弟正在等他的車站奔去。,He is running to
16、the bus-stop,where/at which his,his,younger brother is waiting for him.,11.,他向去年建造的那個車站奔去。,He is running to the bus stop,which was built last year.,12.,他們是在,1990,年,2,月,1,日開那會的。,It was,on February I,1990,that,they held the meeting.,13.1990,年,2,月,1,日是他們開那會的日子。,February 1,1990 was the day,on which/when they held the meeting.,14.,我們昨天是在,208,房間上課的。,It was,in Room 208,that,they had their lessons yesterday.,15.,我們昨天是在,208,房間上課的。,16.,你去過我?guī)滋烨皡⒂^過的博物館嗎,?(that),17,他說得很自信,這使我印象深刻。,(which),18,那些窗子被打破的房子不久將被拆除