Unit 10 Shipping外貿(mào)函電

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Unit 10 Shipping外貿(mào)函電_第1頁
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《Unit 10 Shipping外貿(mào)函電》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《Unit 10 Shipping外貿(mào)函電(23頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、單擊此處編輯母版標題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,Unit 10 Shipping,Points for attention:,Letters regarding shipment are usually written for the following purposes:,To urge an early shipment;,To amend shipping terms;,To give shipping advice;,To,despatch,shipping documents.,Letter 1,As the contracted time o

2、f delivery is rapidly,falling due,it is imperative that you inform us the,delivery time,without any further delay.,Letter 2,Today well ship the above consignment,on board S.S,“,Nellore,”which,sails for,your port tomorrow.,Fill:fulfill;execute,Letter 3,As our client requires us to,ship the goods,not

3、later than July 15,please,quote us for,a shipping container from,HongKong,to the above mentioned port before that deadline,Take loads:,裝載,Letter 4,There are about 2 to 3 sailings weekly from Shanghai to Hong Kong.,Freight:,運費,Letter 5,1.,The main reason is that their steamers offer the shortest time

4、 for the journey between China and Germany.We shall appreciate it if you will endeavor to ship the consignments as follows.,Letter 6,1.,We enclose our invoice and shall present shipping documents and our draft for acceptance through the Royal Bank,Shanghai Office,as agreed.,Word study,Advice,Advance

5、,Exercises,IV.Letter 1,We are,pleased,to,Be,ready,for shipment,Importance of,prompt,delivery,Making,a special effort,Ahead,of time,Shipping,advice,Letter 2,Feel it,necessary,to do,Invite,sbs,attention,to,sth,.,Shipping,schedule,Be,disappointed,to do,What,is more,Translation:,1.,按,318,號合同條款,貨物應于,1,月,

6、20,日前裝運。我們最遲需 在,1,月,31,日前拿到提單,相信你方會按期發(fā)運貨物,因為任何貽誤勢必給我們造成很大不便和經(jīng)濟損失。,According to the terms of Contract No.318,shipment is to be effected by the 20,th,Jan.,and we must have the B/L by the 31,st,at the latest.We trust you will ship the order within the stipulated time as any delay would cause us no litt

7、le inconvenience and financial loss.,我們遺憾不能按你方要求于,12,月初裝運此貨,因為駛往倫敦港的直達船僅在每月,20,日左右抵達我港。,We regret our inability to comply with your request for shipping the goods in early December,because the direct steamer sailing for London calls at our Port only around the 20,th,every month.,3.茲通知1234號定單名下之貨已于11

8、月30日裝直達船“紅星”輪,有關(guān)貨樣已于該輪啟程前航空寄給你方,We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.1234 were shipped by the direct steamer“Red Star”on Nov.30,and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed.,4.,關(guān)于你方第,80,號定單項下的,500,架縫紉機,我們已于,11,月,30,日裝“東風”輪運出

9、。相信該貨物不久即可抵達你處。請把你方用戶對我縫紉機質(zhì)量的反映告訴我們。,With regard to your Order No.80 for 500 Sewing Machines,we shipped the goods by,s.s,.“East Wind”on 30,th,Nov.We trust that this shipment will arrive at your end shortly.Please let us have the comments of your end-users on the quality of our Sewing Machines.,Writi

10、ng,Write a letter to your customer to urge shipment of Blue,Wollen,Serge under Order No.5781.The relevant L/C has been extended to 31,st,match.,Dear sirs,We wish to invite your attention to our Order No.5781 covering 500 pieces Blue Woolen Serge,for which we sent to you about 30 days ago an irrevoca

11、ble L/C expiration date 31st March.,As the season is rapidly approaching,our buyers are badly in need of the,goods.We shall be very much obliged if you will effect shipment as soon as possible,thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.,We would like to emphasize that an

12、y delay in shipping our booked order will undoubtedly involve us in no small difficulty.,We thank you in advance for your cooperation.,Yours faithfully,Dear sir,Thank you for your enquiry of.We also confirm having received your sample of the leather boots.,We have carefully examined the sample you d

13、ent to us and we are pleased to assure you that we are able to provide such goods to meet/satisfy your specific demand.Based on your requirement,we are making you the following offer:,name of commodity:quantity unit price total value,Mens shoes model A 100 500,yuan,50000,yuan,.,our products are made

14、 of superior raw materials.And our company attaches great importance to the quality of our products.The price we quote you is the most competitive one in the market.In addition,we hire experienced workmen and the finished products are elegant in appearance and wrinkle-free and are lined with cow lea

15、ther.The competitive price and the high quality will convince you that our products will meet the needs of the customers at your end.,it is understood that payment is to be made by L/C on FOB basis and insurance is to be covered by buyer/seller.Shipment will be effected upon the receipt of your,L/C.,.,

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