1、HOW IS WATER ESSENTIAL TO LIFE?,FACTS ABOUT WATER,What percent of the planet is water? How much is fresh water? Where is most of the fresh water? 25% of the worlds drinking water comes from this lake. How many oceans are there? What are the names of the oceans? What percent of your body is water?, 7
2、5% 3% Icebergs Great Lakes One Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Antarctic 70%,OCEANS OF OUR PLANET,WHAT DOES THE OCEAN FLOOR LOOK LIKE?,Continental shelf: The extended perimeter of each continent Continental Slope: Point of increasing slope at end of continental shelf Trench: Long narrow ditch Ocean Floor: Bottom of ocean Ridge: Underwater mountain range,WHAT ARE HYDROTHERMAL VENTS?,HOW DO WE EXPLORE THE OCEANS?,Sonar: Using sound waves Alvin: First deep sea submersible able to carry passengers (1964) can now dive to 14,764 ft. Jason Jr: Submersible robot that explored the Titanic,